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German artist Ralf Homann in Murcia for the final editing of his radio piece

Ralf Homann en Onda Regional de Murcia

Ralf Homann en Onda Regional de Murcia

German artist Ralf Homann, invited by Manifesta 8 curatorial collective Chamber of Public Secrets, is working at the studios of Radio Station "Onda Regional of Murcia" editing and recording, the final version of its radio play entitled "Pink and Yellow: The Wedding Piece".

Divided into five episodes Hofmann's work concentrates on the research of "migration and social mobility" through intertwined elements of analysis such as weddings and everything that is related to them. Preparations, traditions, different beliefs, the social space represented by these ceremonies, but also the administrative management of weddings and their use by the state government. Homann thinks that these ceremonies have become another element of political speech, an element of control and sometimes an element of manipulation of the phenomenon of migration and social mobility. These marriages between migrants are regulated by very strict rules. Or the other way round, most times marriages are often harmed or affected by the rules that regulate immigration, a legislation in force in Spain since the sixteenth century when the transatlantic voyages to the New World, the West Indies, when they demanded the control of the identity of the passengers through their ancestry, marital status and origin. According to Ralf Homann, the identity as an artificial element created by the administrative bureaucracy at a time in history generates a halo of control around those people he categorizes as "haunted space".

People's mobility also generates sound spaces mobility and these can be detected auditory. Ralf Homann incorporates these sound spaces as elements of investigation in his artistic radio work, in an anachronistic narration, in which the topics analyzed by the artist are materialized through different sounds and simultaneous languages, English-Spanish, together with music specially composed for the work. Ralf Homann is a German journalist, experimental artist and director who lives and works currently in Berlin. He understands radio as a global phenomenon worldwide, as a media, which is a public domain. Homann also uses radio as a tool for fine arts and as a tool for sound sculpture and sound design. His first radio art projects take us back to 1999 with "Experimental Radio" at the Faculty of Media at Bauhaus-University Weimar, where he was lecturer from 1999 to 2007. He is absolutely in favour of public radio and of "the public", and thinks that the quality of radio does not depend on the audience level it might have. In his works, he investigates knowledge to generate new perspectives on reality and its representations. Ralf Homann works mostly within and on collaborative or activist contexts of everything related to public realm.

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Office Manifesta 8 in Murcia
Pabellón 5, Antiguo Cuartel de Artillería
C/ Madre Elisea Oliver Molina, s/n
Telf.: t+34 868 950 750

Office Manifesta 8 in Cartagena " Museo Regional de Arte Moderno" (MURAM)
Plaza de la Merced, 15-16
30202 Cartagena

Office "Quiosco del puerto"
Muelle Alfonso XII
Cartagena 30201

Office Manifesta Foundation of Amsterdam
Prinsengracht 175 hs 1015 DS
Telf.: +31-206721435 +31206721435

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