Cenajo Reservoir

Embalse del Cenajo

How to arrive



The Cenajo reservoir is located on the provincial border of Murcia and Albacete. Guarded by impressive mountain ranges, it is fed by the Segura river as it passes through Moratalla. It was inaugurated in 1963 with the purpose of dealing with the periodic floods that devastated the Murcian plain and destroyed its crops. The surroundings are of great ecological value, as the proximity of the river and the reservoir itself make possible one of the most varied ecosystems in the region. The spot is also well known among fishing enthusiasts who come here in search of a good catch. During your visit to the Cenajo you can walk through its eucalyptus forest and later on through its extensive woodlands where you can observe such representative species as the mountain goat, the golden eagle, the eagle owl and the otter.


How to Arrive?

In Moratalla

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